Sunday, December 29, 2024

12/30 & 31

Monday; practice will be held at woodman field, beginning at 9am. Athletes make sure you wear proper layers and report on time. 9am means start time not arrival time.

Tuesday; freshman and JV will have a home workout and varsity will meet at woodman at 10am.

Wednesday; everyone will be off.
Athletes on vacation, see workout below for Monday & Tuesday do the home workout posted. 

Make sure you get a 6 minute jog followed by dynamics and drills.


5’ Run/4’ jog
4’ Run/3’  jog
3’ Run/2’  jog
2’ Run/1’  jog
1’ Run/30sec jog
30’’ Sprint

6 minute break then 6 sets of 1 min sprint, 2 min rest