Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Thursday Workout

There was no workout for Wednesday so that athletes could a rest day. See below for Thursday's workout, if you don't know an exercise click the link to see video.

At Home Strength Circuit

Warm Up:




Rest: Take one minute to catch your breath.

Warm Up Continued:




Rest: Take two minutes to catch your breath.


First Tri-Set; do these exercises together for four rounds



Windmill Stretch 8 reps each side

Rest: Take two minutes to catch your breath.

Second Tri-Set: Three rounds!





Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Tuesday Workout

Warm up 8 min jog followed by dynamics/ drills

Ins & Outs: if at all possible on grass

30s sprinting 90s easy jog (2 sets of 4)

3 minutes rest between sets

Cool down 10 min run and stretch 

Body weight workout: repeat 3 times

- Regular Crunches: 20 reps

- Leg Raises: 20 reps

- Plank: 30 seconds

- Mountain climbers: 30 seconds

- One minute rest

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Christmas Break

Tomorrow varsity distance will meet at 9am, varsity sprints, jumps and throws will meet at 10am. As stated in the parent meeting JV and Freshman will be on virtual workouts during the break, this is just a safety precaution due to the number of covid/close contact cases that went out last week and the number of emails we have received in regards to close contacts over the Holiday weekend. Also, if you test positive during the break please make sure you email and we will get back to you in regards to the next step once your quarantine period is over. For those that have come in close contact during the break please follow the ten day quarantine period and get a test after day 5/7 as per district protocol. More updates will be posted tomorrow

Warm up 12 min jog/ dynamics/drills and stretching followed by workout below.

Repeat 3 times

1) 50 Jumping Jacks

2) 10 Squats

3) 10 Pushups

4) 50 Jumping Jacks

5) 10 Lunges ea. leg

6) 10 Pushups

7) 50 Jumping Jacks

8) 10 Reverse Lunges

9) Plank (30 seconds)

Take a one minute break and start over

Wednesday, December 22, 2021


Today throwers will meet at the freshman building at 2:45, varsity will meet at woodman field at 2:50. Everyone else should do the workout below and check blog later today for updates in regards to winter break.

Warm-Up: 3 sets of jumping jacks for one minute. Thirty seconds rest between sets


Circuit 1: Perform 5 reps of each movement with no rest between exercises. Complete six exercises to finish one round. Do 4 rounds total, with one minute rest between rounds.

1. Squat

2. Push up

3. Leg raises

4. Push up

5. Squat

6. Leg raises

Circuit 2: Perform each move for 60 seconds, resting 15 seconds between each one. Complete all five exercises to finish one round. Do 3 to 5 rounds total. 

1. Squats

2. Crunches

3. Front plank

4. Side plank

Cool down: repeat warm up followed by stretching, hold each stretch for 30 seconds.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

SEC Championship

The order of events and athletes competing tomorrow has been posted. Athletes should wear black sweatpants (or dark blue) and a Montclair sweatshirt for their warm ups, and also make sure to wear layers as the bus ride may be could and walking to and from the venue and the venue itself gets cold. Make sure you all pack water for school as well as water and food/snacks for the meet and extra masks(and money to purchase water as well). 

Athletes will need to wear masks at all times except when competing and for all SEC/Essex County Meets no spectators are allowed. The bus will leave from Midland avenue at 1:40pm; due to this athletes competing will be excused from their 6th and 7th period classes. Athletes not competing should do the workout below at home.

Warm-Up: 3 sets of jumping jacks for one minute. Thirty seconds rest between sets


Circuit 1: Perform 5 reps of each movement with no rest between exercises. Complete six exercises to finish one round. Do 4 rounds total, with one minute rest between rounds.

1. Squat

2. Push up

3. Leg raises

4. Push up

5. Squat

6. Leg raises

Circuit 2: Perform each move for 60 seconds, resting 15 seconds between each one. Complete all five exercises to finish one round. Do 3 to 5 rounds total. 

1. Squats

2. Crunches

3. Front plank

4. Side plank

Cool down: repeat warm up followed by stretching, hold each stretch for 30 seconds.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Saturday 10/18

There will be no practice for JV and Freshman tomorrow however, there will be a brief meeting/shake out for varsity. Parents please see message below from the athletic department if you are unable to attend Coach Washington will address these issues on Sunday during our parent meeting.

Due to the increase in cases that continue I would like to have a meeting with our parents at 2pm. This will be a virtual meeting and I ask that all of you log in. 

Please use the link below to sign in. The meeting will take less than 30 minutes.


There will be a mandatory team/parent meeting on Sunday (12/19) at 7pm, we will discuss what the season will look like, the current covid climate and protocol as well as a question and answer portion with Coach Washington. Please see links to the right under 2021-22 to register for the meeting and fill out emergency contact information for athletes. The emergency contact information must be received before Sunday evening for all athletes (new and returning)

Wednesday, December 15, 2021


Tomorrow the group going to Ocean Breeze will leave from Midland avenue at 1:20pm, everyone else will have practice at woodman at 1:30 and will be done by 2:30 (throwers by 1:30-3:30). Please plan accordingly. As stated in the beginning of the season we ask that all families go over the team guidelines and the districts covid protocol

Wednesday, December 8, 2021


Tomorrow freshman and JV athletes will have the day off. Throwers will meet in the Mountie gym in the annex and varsity athletes will meet in the Bulldog gym in the annex; both groups will begin practice at 1:30. All groups/levels will meet at woodman on Friday for practice at 1:30 and there will be practice on Saturday morning time will be posted here tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021


Tomorrow, all athletes will meet at woodman immediately after school and practice will begin at 1:30pm. The schedule for the season as well as the most up to date roster has been posted; if your name is not on the roster, please send an email to so we can let you know why and what needs to be done to be cleared. We will have a parent meeting via zoom next week so please keep an eye on the blog for more information. In the mean time parents and athletes please look over the team policy and gain a full understanding of it as we approach the season ahead.

Friday, December 3, 2021

December 4th

As stated today athletes will have the weekend off; that being said we ask that you use the time wisely. Catch up on homework, rest and recover; practice will resume on Monday after school. Please remember that if you come in contact with or have a positive covid case you will need to follow the districts guidelines and quarantine. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

General Info.

The PE OPT out form is posted to the right, upper class-men looking to opt out must turn this in to Coach Washington tomorrow before practice begins. If you do not turn this form in you will not be able to opt out of gym. Athletes please make sure you bring water, masks and layers everyday... also, make sure athletes and parents both read the team policies linked to the right.