The order of events and athletes competing tomorrow has been posted. Athletes should wear black sweatpants (or dark blue) and a Montclair sweatshirt for their warm ups, and also make sure to wear layers as the bus ride may be could and walking to and from the venue and the venue itself gets cold. Make sure you all pack water for school as well as water and food/snacks for the meet and extra masks(and money to purchase water as well).
Athletes will need to wear masks at all times except when competing and for all SEC/Essex County Meets no spectators are allowed. The bus will leave from Midland avenue at 1:40pm; due to this athletes competing will be excused from their 6th and 7th period classes. Athletes not competing should do the workout below at home.
Warm-Up: 3 sets of jumping jacks for one minute. Thirty seconds rest between sets
Circuit 1: Perform 5 reps of each movement with no rest between exercises. Complete six exercises to finish one round. Do 4 rounds total, with one minute rest between rounds.
1. Squat
2. Push up
3. Leg raises
4. Push up
5. Squat
6. Leg raises
Circuit 2: Perform each move for 60 seconds, resting 15 seconds between each one. Complete all five exercises to finish one round. Do 3 to 5 rounds total.
1. Squats
2. Crunches
3. Front plank
4. Side plank
Cool down: repeat warm up followed by stretching, hold each stretch for 30 seconds.