Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Spring Sports Registration

Families the message below was emailed to all parents and guardians, please see below and get registration done as soon as possible. There will also be a parent meeting for parents of spring and winter track on Thursday Feb. 22nd in the LGI at 7pm.

Athletic registration for Spring Sports will open on Thursday, February 1st and close on Thursday, March 14th. To be cleared for the first day we suggest you get all paperwork in by March 4th. We will be using Genesis for all sports forms for the upcoming Spring season. All medical forms must be submitted in paper form to the location designated by your grade level

We have opened a Tab in your Parent and Student Access accounts called "Athletics"This screen will display the date of your last physical exam. It is good for 365 days and must be good on the first day of practice. (A physical older than 90 days on the first day of practice also requires submission of the Health History 90-Day Update form to the nurse's office.)

It will also list all of the dates you signed your required forms. The current date of a valid ImPACT test will be listed. It is good for 2 years and must cover the entire season.

All Genesis forms must be completed as soon as possible; Physicals must be turned in by 2/13/24 to begin the clearance process through our nurse and doctor reviewAthletic Physical paperwork must be submitted in hard copy only and dropped off in a sealed envelope with athlete's name and sport clearly written on the outside:

FRESHMEN- Annex nurse's office 
UPPERCLASSMEN (10th, 11th, and 12th graders)- Main building in the main office in the box labeled "Spring Sports Forms 2023". 

Please make sure all four pages of the athletic physical packet are filled out in completion and include both student and parent signatures where highlighted. ALL YES answers must include an explanation in the designated location at the bottom of the physical form

Please follow the steps below in order to sign up for Spring Sports. Please log onto your Parent Access account and go to the Forms Tab. 

1. Click on the form called "Spring Sports Forms 2023-2024".

2. Review the first 4 questions on the form. 

3. Click on the link and review the document displayed. 

4. After reading the document click on the "Selected" check box to the right of the question for the                 following forms

        - NJSIAA's Steroid testing policy

        - Sports-Related Concussion and Head Injury Fact Sheet.

        - Sudden Cardiac Death PamphletOpioid Video Sign Off Sheet 

         - Opioid Use and Misuse educational fact sheet

        - Review the NJSIAA Steroid testing Policy, and choose yes to consent to random testing. 

        - Read the district's Athletic Code of Conduct, and choose "Yes" that you and your child will abide

          by its provisions. 

        - Choose the sport your child wants to play from the dropdown menu. Click the green box

         called "Update Answers"

            - Click the Finalize check box

        - Click Ok when asked are you sure you want to finalize this form? Click Update Answers

If you do not answer all of the questions on the form, the form will not be accepted and your child

will not be signed up for the sport they wish to play. 

All medical forms are located on the MHS High School website under Athletics, Mandatory Forms.

You must register every athletic season (i.e. Fall, Winter, and Spring) 

ImPACT Testing- Athletes must be registered in Genesis to start this process!!! All athletes must successfully complete ImPACT testing before participating in a sport. Valid ImPACT tests are good for two years. Athletes will be notified if an ImPACT test is needed. 

ImPACT Testing will typically be conducted virtually (online). The current testing date scheduled is Thursday, February 22nd at 4:00pm and 5:00pm. The session will be locked at 5 minutes after the designated start time. Please be early. If a valid ImPACT test is not on file, an email with the test time registration link will be sent to both the primary parent (in Genesis) and student at their school email

Students must be registered for Spring Sports in Genesis no later than February 13th, 2023 in order to receive the link to sign up for that date. The test link will be sent 24-48 hours before the registered session to the email provided in the ImPACT test registration linkIf you have any questions, or missed the test date, contact Michele Chemidlin at 

Note: Valid ImPACT tests are good for 2 years and must cover the entire season

Check for Spring Athletic clearance status in the PARENT PORTAL. It can take up to 3 weeks for processing of the medical forms. Incomplete forms will not be processed. Be sure everything is signed by the parent and student where designated. Do not leave any forms out.