Friday, February 11, 2022

Spring Track Meeting

Winter Track: Today all athletes (levels and groups) will meet at woodman after school for practice.

Spring Track: There will be a spring track information session today at 3pm at woodman field, all athletes interested in joining the team should be present.

Parents, spring registration is open and it will close at the end of the month, please do not wait until the last minute to get these items done as it will slow your child's clearance.

Make sure you fill out the athletic information in Genesis and complete all paper work, which can be emailed or turned into the athletic administrative assistant Cory Festa ( 

Athletes who have done a winter and/or fall sport only have to turn in the 90 day update; everyone else will need to turn in a completed physical and impact test (freshman/juniors). Please see links to the right under 2021-2022 for all documentation that must be physically turned in. 

Genesis Info: First go to the Forms Tab to complete the registration forms before Clearance Status will be shown under the Athletics Tab – registration is completed under Forms and not Athletics in Parent-Genesis.


Please note: Once athlete is registered

Please DISREGARD  – “Health History…Incomplete” – under Status. This does not mean that any forms are missing/have not been submitted – it just means that forms are pending medical review. 

Again “INCOMPLETE” (after forms have been submitted) = Under Medical Review.