Saturday, May 20, 2023

Weekend workouts

Everyone has the weekend off and should do the workouts below.


Nike App

1) Active Mobility & Recovery


Home Workout

Quick Mobility Warm-up (Nike app) 
followed by body weight circuit below. 
1) Lunge Jumpes 5x4
2) Plyo Push ups (try to push yourself of the ground) 5x5
3) Lateral Lunges 4x7ea. leg
4) Squat Jumps 5x5
5) Lateral Hip Openers 3x10ea. leg

Sprinters & Jumpers
Nike app
1) Quick Mobility Warm-up
2) 5-Min Bodyweight Burn: Core wake-up call
3) 10-Min HIT: Abs
4) 10-Min Runner's Yoga: Calves & Hamstrings

Quick Mobility Warm-up (Nike app)
6 Mile run Push the pace every even mile, easy odd miles
1) Post Run Strength (Nike app)
2) Runner's Release (Nike app)