Sunday, May 23, 2021

Week of May 24th

Tomorrow's meet against East Orange has been cancelled due to the Essex County Championship being added to the schedule. That being said tomorrow will be a regular day of practice, all athletes should arrive at 2:45pm.

Athletes as discussed in our team meeting please sign up for our team fundraiser or givebutter (instructions below). If you do not want to make a page then at least share the link with family and friends. We would like all athletes to reach out to at least 10 people. This fundraiser is for the betterment and growth of the team, so we ask that everyone please get on board.

Give Butter

Team Fundraiser

  1. Type in link below

  2. Click Fundraise button

  3. Choose whether to sign up with email address or FB

  4. From there set up your own page and if you want your own message to help get donations

  5. Utilize email and social media to get the word out.