Thursday, October 24, 2019

Winter Paperwork

Medical sports forms will be collected on the dates listed below.
All medical forms are found on the MHS website  
You will still have to hand in the full medical packet (4 forms). You must have a valid physical on file in the Nurse’s office in order to play sports.  

If your physical is still valid, all you need to turn in is the Health History Update Questionnaire.

Athletes can turn in completed WINTER physicals from Primary Doctor and the Health History Updated Questionnaire on the following days:

October 28th for Freshmen in Room 400A during Lunch.

October 29th for Sophomores during Lunch to the Athletic Office in the Main Office of the High School.

October 30th for Juniors during Lunch to the Athletic Office in the Main Office of the High School.

October 31st for Seniors during Lunch to the Athletic Office in the Main Office of the High School.