Thursday, December 27, 2018


Tomorrow ALL throwers (all levels) will meet at woodman field at 10am for practice at woodman field. There will be no practice for freshman and JV runners however, you are advised to do the workout below. All varsity athletes and those who lift should report to woodman field at 12pm for practice. The list of athletes competing this weekend and their events has been posted as well; for those competing the bus will leave from woodman field on Saturday at 6:30am.

Distance: 60 minute run
Sprinters: 30 minute run

When you get home do the following on the Nike app
1) Runner Warm Up
2) Glutes to the max
3) Floor to Core
4) Glute and Hip strength
5) Runner Flexibility

Keep an eye on the blog as there will be a workout posted on Saturday for those athletes not competing.