Tuesday, February 25, 2014


The winter banquet is quickly approaching. An email has been sent to all parents whose names/email address were on the parent list in regards to the banquet and what food item you would volunteer to bring. If you (parent/guardian) have not received an email from Mrs. Shirley Gentry (shirley281@aol.com) in regards to what is needed for the banquet please send her an email as soon as possible. Student athletes please ask your parents if they received an email from Mrs. Gentry, if they haven't politely ask them to send an email. :-) The deadline for notifying Mrs. Gentry is March 3, 2014.

The banquet will be held in the Freshman Atrium on Saturday march 8, 2014 at 1:30 pm. All parents and student athletes are invited to attend, this is a time to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of all our student athletes.

Spring Track and Field:
All paper work should be handed in as soon as possible. If you do not see your name on the clearance list please email Coach Wallace and Coach Washington to inquire about what portions of the packet you are missing. The first day of practice is March 7, 2014 immediately after school at Woodman Field. Please bring a change of clothes (LAYERS)  and a combination lock for the locker room. Continue to look on the blog, Facebook and Twitter for announcements daily.

Spring Track and Field Parent Meeting Announcement:
We will have a parent meeting for the spring season on Saturday March 15, 2014 in the multipurpose room (next to Woodman Field) at 9 am. We will be discussing all aspect of the spring track season, including a way for parents  to be involved in our illustrious booster club.