Monday, November 16, 2020

Important Info.

 Wednesday, November 18th is the last day to register and submit forms for Winter Sports. They will be collected in the gym lobby (on Midland avenue) from 3:30pm to 5:00 pm; Ms. Covello is off the clock at 5pm so please make sure you show up as early as possible. 

Just a reminder, medical forms (90 day update and physical) must be physically turned in, you can not fax or email them in. Please see information below from the athletic department in regards to submitting medical forms:

Sports Medical Forms Submission Process

Submitting Medical Forms to an Athletic Staff Member does not clear
your child to participate in any sport.


State Mandated Guidelines:

  1. Sports Medical Forms must be completed, including the current physical
  2. Current Physical date is entered into Genesis by an Athletic Staff member
  3. School nurse reviews and any missing information is relayed to the parent
  4. School physician signs off on Medical form
  5. Medical form is returned to Athletic Secretary
  6. Athletic Department staff will examine whether School Physician approved and cleared athlete
  7. Athletic Department staff will enter the cleared athletes in Genesis
  8. Athletic Department Staff will notify coaches of completion
  9. This process could take up to 3 weeks, depending upon the availability of School Nurse and the School Physician
  10. Report is generated of cleared athletes by an Athletic Staff member and is emailed to coaches


Please be patient with us during this pandemic. We are trying our best to have your child’s forms processed as quickly as possible. Safety is our #1 concern.