Thursday, January 9, 2020


Tomorrow is an abbreviated day, all athletes are asked to attend the pep rally. Athletes who have been on the team please wear the blue long sleeves from last year. If you did not do winter track last year but have been on the MHS spring track or cross country team wear one of the shirts from that season. Athletes new to the program just wear something that says Montclair. Throwers will meet Coach Henry for practice at 2pm in the freshman building.

Athletes competing tomorrow; the bus will leave from Midland ave at 2:45pm, please be on time because if you are late you will be left. On time means arriving to the bus in your sweats and trainers. You are able to pick what you want to run, however some athletes will be put in races at the coaches discretion. The order of events is posted in the tabs to the right.

Athletes not competing tomorrow have the day off and should see workouts below. Athletes competing on Sunday will meet at woodman field on Saturday at 10am and should plan to be there until 2:30pm; also the order of events and list has been posted.

Friday Workouts

Athletes NOT competing Sunday:

Distance: 60 minute run

Sprinters: 20 minute run
  1. Glute and hip strength 
  2. Full-body ignition
  3. Glutes and glory
  4. Up for Speed
  5. Runner Flexibility

Those competing Sunday:

Distance: easy 4 mile run followed by runner stability and runner flexibility on the nike app

Sprinters: Runner warm up, runner stability and runner flexibility on the nike app