Throwers should continue to do the home workout circuit 3 days a week and work on throwing drills 3 days a week.
Make sure you warm up everyday before doing the workout
MONDAY: 8 Miles followed by 6 x street runs (intersection to intersection) @ mile race rhythm.
Stretching, core, and body weight sheet.
TUESDAY: Do the circuit sheet to warm up (everything but cardio) then go for a run after 5 minutes pass follow the fartlek pattern 2/2/3/2/2/2/3/2/1
Go hard for 2 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 2 minutes, 2 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 2 minutes, 1 minute. The recovery is the same as the rep that preceded it. So one minute hard, one minute recovery, two minutes hard, two minutes recovery, three minutes hard, three minutes recovery, etc.
WEDNESDAY: 30 minutes of cross training
THURSDAY: Do the circuit sheet and California jumping jacks for cardio.
FRIDAY: Do the circuit sheet no cardio
SATURDAY: 4 Mile warm up, followed by 6 x long hill sprints
w/ walk back recovery. 4 mile cool down, stretching, core, and body weight sheet.
SUNDAY: 40 minute Cross train.
Make sure you warm up everyday before doing the workout
MONDAY: Do sprint warm up sheet to the right
Acceleration Day; This is the initial portion of a sprint, and should be performed at a high effort level. 1) 1 house (driveway to driveway) acceleration with a walk-in start. Then take 1 minute rest, and repeat 5 times
2) 2 houses (driveway to driveway) acceleration from a low standing start. Then take 90 seconds rest, and repeat 4 times
3) 3 houses (driveway to driveway) acceleration from a 3 point start. Then take 90 seconds rest, and repeat 4 times
TUESDAY: Sprint warm up sheet, followed by circuit sheet. No Cardio
WEDNESDAY: Circuit sheet posted to the right followed by a 20 minute run
FRIDAY: Do the circuit sheet and california jumping jacks for cardio portion.
SATURDAY: Do sprint warm up sheet to the right
Max. Velocity work; This is the point in your run you have risen to an upright position, and are moving FAST! We call this workout a build-up - where we gradually increase speed, going through ‘our gears’, from 1st, to 2nd, to 3rd, and up to whatever gear you have. Once you are at maximum speed, hold this for 20m, and then gradually slow down.
1) 8 x 8 house (driveway to driveway) runs
2) 6 street strides (intersection to intersection) for cool down