Sunday, January 20, 2019

County Championship

The start time for County´s has been moved back to 11am due to this change the bus will be leaving from woodman field at 8:50am. The event list has been posted, athletes competing tomorrow please bring extra water, the last time we were at Ocean Breeze they were having a water issue. Also, for those athletes not competing there will be no practice tomorrow; please do the home workout below and keep an eye on the blog in regards to practice on Tuesday.

Warm up 
10 sets of 20 California jumping jacks
Dynamics or Light stretching if there's no room for dynamics

6 sets of 1 min high knees, 1 min squats, 1 min push ups, 1 min A skip 1 min rest.

30 crunches, 25 toe touches, 20 reverse crunches, 1 minute plank (30 sec elbows/30 sec hands), 50 jumping jacks. Rest and repeat 4 times.

Cool down: 
10 sets of 20 California jumping jacks