Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Frosh/Novice Meet

Tomorrow athletes competing will leave from Midland ave at 2:45; we will be competing in the black team shirts and black spandex or running shorts. If you missed practice today and didn't email or speak to the coaching staff you will not be competing.

Athletes not competing should do the workouts below on the Nike app

1) Runner warm up
2) Glute and Hip Strength
3) Runner Stability
4) Runner Cool Down

Varsity sprints & varsity distance should report to woodman by 3:45 for weight room and be ready to begin the lift at 4pm. 

Throwers will report to woodman at 3:30pm for conditioning and weight room.

Parents, make sure you've filled out the emergency contact google form linked to the right. We need this in case (God forbid) something were to happen to your child. It's our way to know their allergies, meds, keep them safe and again contact you when need be. 

Secondly, there will be a mandatory parent meeting this Saturday, January 18th, at 9am in the LGI room (located in the MHS main building). The online team store is open but closes TONIGHT, so Get your orders in now

The booster club has launched a resource page for XC and T&F parents here. On this page you'll find helpful links, information on upcoming team events, fundraisers, and FAQs we're compiling from the WhatsApp groups.