Thursday, November 21, 2024


Reminder; there is no practice today athletes should do the following home workouts listed below for today and tomorrow. Please keep an eye on the blog as we will be posting the roster and detailed information about tryouts in the coming days.

Thursday: MOBILITY (pick one day)



3 rounds x 30 seconds each. For left and right exercises do 30 seconds each side

• Jumping Jacks

• Around the world (fwd/bwd)

• Hip to hamstring stretch 

• Thoracic rotation

• Good Morning

• Squat


MAIN STRENGTH: (use weights you have)

4 rounds x 10 reps per exercise, 60 seconds rest between rounds

• Thoracic Roatation (10 each side)

• Alternating Reverse Lunge (10 each side)

• Good Morning



3 rounds x 30 seconds per exercise, no rest between rounds

• Hip Bridge

• Push-Up

• Lateral Hip Opener

Saturday: Easy 20-30 minute run

Sunday: OFF