The workouts for this week are listed below. We would like all athletes to download the Nike training club app as we will utilize it for home workouts through the season. Once you download the app there is a workout tab at the bottom, when you click that there is a browse tab at the top once you click that a search bar will appear and this is where you will look up the workouts prescribed.
Also, under 2020-21 we have placed the letter from the athletic department in regards to spring sports registration; which opens tomorrow February 8th and closes on March 12th.
Warm Up: Jumping Jacks and Squats
2 continuous sets. 30 secs each
Distance; 30 minute run
Sprinters: 15 minute run
Throwers: 10 minute run
Cut to the core
Runner Flexibility
Runner Warm Up
Lean FIt Benchmark
Quick hit abs
5 minute plank finisher
Runner Flexibility
Warm Up: Runner Warm up on Nike app
Workout: Interval work
- Distance; 30 minute run
Sprinters: 15 minute run
Throwers: 10 minute run
Runner Warm Up
Athletic Core
Runner Strength & Balance
Runner Stability
Runner Cooldown
Friday: Myrtle Routine (copy and paste link) https://www.njsportsmed.
Cut to the core
runner stability
runner flexibility
Saturday: Off