Below you will find the workouts for this week, we are still monitoring the weather as well as the condition of district outdoor facilities. Please continue to check here for updates, also if you plan on doing a spring sport registration is now open so please get it done as soon as possible so you can be cleared on the first day of spring.
- Runner warm up
- Glute and hip strength
- Glutes and glory
- Glutes to the max
- Runner flexibility
- Runner warm up
- Cut to the core
- The perfect 10
- Peaks and valleys
- Runner flexibility
Warm Up: Jumping Jacks and Squats
2 continuous sets. 30 secs each
Distance; 30 minute run
Sprinters: 15 minute run
Throwers: 10 minute run
Nike App:
Cut to the core
Runner Flexibility
- Runner warm-up
- Glute and hip strength
- Up for Speed
- Runner Flexibility
- Full-body ignition
- Pace Breaker
- Quick-hit abs
- Peaks and valleys
- Runner stability
- Runner Flexibility
Nike App:
Cut to the core
runner stability
runner flexibility