There will be no practice tomorrow due to the track being covered with snow and the roads being unsafe. Here is the workout for Saturday.
Workout 6 sets of:
90 sec jumping jacks,
60 sec lunges,
60 sec pushups,
60 sec squats.
Rest 2min & repeat.
Perform these four exercises in consecutive order without rest. After you complete the fourth exercise, rest for one minute and then start over.
Exercise 1 - Crunches for 20 reps. Make sure you squeeze your abs. Don't just go back and forth without contracting your abs.
Exercise 2 - Lying Leg Raises for 20 reps. When you raise your legs, lift your hips up at the top of the movement and squeeze your abs.
Exercise 3 - Mountain Climbers for 20 steps per leg.
Exercise 4 - Plank for 30 seconds. As tired as you may be at this point, suck in your stomach and forcefully breathe out. You'll feel it in your core.
Rest - 1 minute.
Repeat the circuit three more times.