Hope you all enjoyed your snow day!! There will be practice tomorrow. We will meet at Woodman Field at 3pm. Please be on time. We will need for you to have your parent/guardian email address handy when you come tomorrow. Also have a combination lock so you can choose a locker for the season.
If you name is on the list to the right (under clearance) you are cleared for the first day of practice. If your name is NOT on the list and you have handed in all paperwork, your impact test is current and you haven't already spoken with Coach Washington or Coach Wallace on the status of you being cleared please remember to reach out to us: Coach Wallace (girls) montclairgirlstrack@gmail.com Coach Washington (boys) runningmounies@gmail.com
On Saturday March 14. 2015 there will be an information meeting for all parents and guardians at 9am in the multipurpose room. Please make sure you inform your parent/guardian about this meeting.