Everyone will be competing in black team jerseys.
Warmups: Ladies, blue mounties pants and a Montclair sweatshirt/top. Gentlemen; black sweatpants and a Montclair sweatshirt/top. Everyone must have their white team shirt on as a bottom layer and between the sweats and bottom layer you will need other layers. The high tomorrow is only 66 and the temperature will drop as we will be competing into the night.
Athletes not competing should do the workout below and check here Saturday for another workout.
3 rounds x 30 seconds each. For left and right exercises do 30 seconds each side
• Jumping Jack
• Around the world (fwd/bwd)
• Hip to hamstring stretch
• Thoracic rotation
• Good Morning
• Air Squat
MAIN STRENGTH: (use weights you have)
4 rounds x 10 reps per exercise, 60 seconds rest between rounds
• Squat
• Alternating Reverse Lunge (10 per side, 20 reps total)
• Good morning
3 rounds x 30 seconds per exercise, no rest between rounds
• Hip Bridge
• Push-Up
• Run in place (work on knee lift and snapping under hips like the mat runs)