Athletes who are missing practice during spring break please see workouts below. For those of you who are only missing certain days do the workout for that specified day on your own.
Hill Repeats:
• Find a hill 75 - 150 meters long & sprint up it 6x: sprint at 95% effort
• Walk down the hill after each sprint & rest 4 min before repeating
• Jumps:
• 2 feet standing long
jumps: 20x – from a
standing position, 2 feet
together, jump out as
far as you can go & land
on 2 feet
• Strength Training: Complete the following 7 exercises:
• No weight: complete 3 sets x 12 reps
• With weight: complete 3 sets x 6 reps
1) Squats
2) Split squats
3) Alternating lunges
4) Single leg RDL’s
5) Step-ups
6) Push-ups: 3x12
*if you don’t know how to
do any of the above
exercises look up how to do
them online/YouTube*
30 Second Sprint Intervals:
• Sprint at a 90% effort for 30 seconds straight
• Rest for 1 min
• Repeat 5x = total of six 30 second sprints
• Skips for height: 2 sets x 10
reps each leg
• Strength Training: Complete the following 7 exercises:
• No weight: complete 3 sets x 12 reps
• With weight: complete 3 sets x 6 reps
1) Squats
2) Split squats
3) Alternating lunges
4) Single leg RDL’s
5) Step-ups
6) Push-ups: 3x12
*if you don’t know how to do any of the above exercises look up how to do them online/YouTube*
Hill Repeats:
• Find a hill 75 - 150 meters long & sprint up it 6x: sprint at 95% effort
• Walk down the hill after each sprint & rest 4 min before repeating
• Jumps: • 2 feet standing long jumps: 20x – from a standing position, 2 feet together, jump out as far as you can go & land on 2 feet
• Strength Training: Complete the following 7 exercises:
• No weight: complete 3 sets x 12 reps
• With weight: complete 3 sets x 6 reps
1) Squats
2) Split squats
3) Alternating lunges
4) Single leg RDL’s
5) Step-ups
6) Push-ups: 3x12
*if you don’t know how to do any of the above exercises look up how to do them online/YouTube*