Reminder Genesis for winter sports will close at noon on November 1. Please see links to the right for the paperwork you need to fill out and turn into the athletic department. Athletes currently doing a fall sport only need to fill out the health history form, anyone new to athletics will need to do the physical form. Freshman, juniors and anyone who has never done a sport at MHS will also need to get an impact test (see dates below) when you go to the impact test you will need to have the permission slip online. Again all of these documents are linked to the right.
Wednesday, October 27th
3pm - Ice Hockey
4pm - Swimming (Boys & Girls)
5pm - Bowling (Boys & Girls)
Tuesday, November 9th
3pm - Boys' Basketball
4pm - Girls' Basketball
5pm - Wrestling
Tuesday, November 16th
3pm - Fencing (Boys & Girls)
4pm - Winter Track (Boys & Girls)
5pm - Winter Cheerleading