October 24 - the school doctor will be in the main building health office. If you so not have a doctor please show on that day. There is a permission slip you will have to pick up from the health office and have signed by your parent/guardian.
November 11 - the health questionnaire packet is due on or before this day. We have provided the link below to download the forms in the event you did not pick them up from the health or athletic office. All forms must be turned into your main office (annex or main building)
Dec 2 - Official first day of practice. You must be cleared and have all paperwork handed in to be able to participate on the first day of practice.
Dec 10 - roster closes, we will not be accepting any more additions to the roster at the end of this day.
Girls - email Coach Wallace montclairgirlstrack@gmail.com
Boys - email Coach Washington runningmounties@gmail.com
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Twitter: @runningmounties