Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Home workouts

See below for home workouts

Jan. 1: No practice everyone should go for a 20 minute walk followed by day 1 MOBILITY 

Practice will resume on 1/2 after school

Sunday, December 29, 2024

12/30 & 31

Monday; practice will be held at woodman field, beginning at 9am. Athletes make sure you wear proper layers and report on time. 9am means start time not arrival time.

Tuesday; freshman and JV will have a home workout and varsity will meet at woodman at 10am.

Wednesday; everyone will be off.
Athletes on vacation, see workout below for Monday & Tuesday do the home workout posted. 

Make sure you get a 6 minute jog followed by dynamics and drills.


5’ Run/4’ jog
4’ Run/3’  jog
3’ Run/2’  jog
2’ Run/1’  jog
1’ Run/30sec jog
30’’ Sprint

6 minute break then 6 sets of 1 min sprint, 2 min rest

Friday, December 27, 2024

Weekend Workouts

Reminder, there will be no practice tomorrow; practice will resume on Monday. See workouts for the weekend below.



3 rounds x 30 seconds each. For left and right exercises do 30 seconds each side

• Jumping Jack

• Fire Hydrant

• Hip to hamstring stretch 

• Thoracic rotation

• Good Morning

• Squat




12/27 Workout

1) 10 minute jog followed by dynamics and drills

2) 8x2/1/30 (2 minutes medium jog, 1 minute hard run, 30 seconds all out)

3) 10 minute cool down jog followed by stretching each stretch for 30 seconds

Thursday, December 26, 2024

12/26 Home Workout

See below for today's home workout for those missing practice. There will be detailed workouts posted later today for those on vacation.


3 rounds x 30 seconds each. For left and right exercises do 30 seconds each side

• Jumping Jack

• Around the world (fwd/bwd)

• Hip to hamstring stretch 

• Thoracic rotation

• Good Morning

• Squat



4 rounds x 10 reps per exercise, 60 seconds rest between rounds

• Bodyweight Squat

• Alternating Reverse Lunge (10 per side, 20 reps total)

• Good Mornings



3 rounds x 30 seconds per exercise, no rest between rounds

• Hip Bridge

• Push-Up

• Run in place (work on knee lift and snapping under hips like the mat runs) 


Tuesday, December 24, 2024

12/24 Home Workout

All athletes should do the workout below for today; everyone will be off on the 25th and we will return to practice on the 26th at 9am in the main building.



2)  STRETCHING: Each stretch 3 sets of 20 seconds


Any and all changes will be posted on the blog

12/23: Home workout for those not competing
12/24: Home workout for everyone
12/25: OFF
12/26: 9am 2nd Floor main building (all groups/levels)
12/27: 9am 2nd Floor main building (all groups/levels)
12/28: OFF
12/30: 9am 2nd Floor main building
12/31: Varsity 10am woodman field. Freshman/JV off

Monday, December 23, 2024

12/23 Home Workout

See below for today's home workout.


3 rounds x 30 seconds each. For left and right exercises do 30 seconds each side

• Jumping Jack

• Around the world (fwd/bwd)

• Hip to hamstring stretch 

• Thoracic rotation

• Good Morning

• Squat



4 rounds x 10 reps per exercise, 60 seconds rest between rounds

• Bodyweight Squat

• Alternating Reverse Lunge (10 per side, 20 reps total)

• Good Mornings



3 rounds x 30 seconds per exercise, no rest between rounds

• Hip Bridge

• Push-Up

• Run in place (work on knee lift and snapping under hips like the mat runs) 


Saturday, December 21, 2024

North Shore Invitational

The list of athletes competing is posted to the right (schedule can be found on the last page); the last event our team will compete in is the Girls 1500. This will be a long day so please make sure you pack extra waters, snacks, lunch and money for concessions (Athletes are not permitted to leave the armory for food unless we do so as a team). We will be competing in the black Mounties t-shirt and black shorts or spandex. Make sure you wear team gear and black, blue or grey sweats.

Everyone competing should be at Woodman by 6:45am Monday morning 

Please plan accordingly

Parents, we understand it is the holiday season and you might have plans which require your child to leave early. If this is the case, as per district guidelines, we require a signed letter from a parent stating this and the reason. When you arrive for pick up you should come to where the team is sitting and inform a member of the coaching staff; if this is not possible then your child will need to stay with the team for the entirety of the meet.


Any and all changes will be posted on the blog

12/23: Home workout for those not competing
12/24: Home workout for everyone
12/25: OFF
12/26: 9am 2nd Floor main building
12/27: 9am 2nd Floor main building
12/28: OFF
12/30: 9am 2nd Floor main building
12/31: Varsity 10am woodman field. Freshman/JV 10am main building 2nd floor

Monday, December 16, 2024


All groups and levels will meet at woodman field after school; even though the weather will be a bit warmer bring adequate layers as we will be outside for the majority of practice. On Wednesday we will all meet in the auditorium for study hall, followed by a team meeting and a brief workout.

Sunday, December 15, 2024


Today; athletes should do day one and day two of the MOBILITY SHEET if you don't know an exercise without a link go to youtube. Tomorrow we will meet in the auditorium after school.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Jim Mitchell Invitational

Athletes competing tomorrow, we will will leave from Woodman at 2:45pm; the list of athletes and order of events is posted to the right.

We will be competing in the black mountie shirts and black shorts/spandex. Come prepared with water, snacks, money for concessions, home work and most importantly ready to compete.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

12/12 UPDATE

Tomorrow freshman, jv and throws will meet at woodman for practice; locker rooms will be opened at 1:30 and athletes are expected to be on the track dressed and ready to begin at 2pm. 

The ocean breeze group will leave from Midland avenue at 1:20pm. Everyone needs to make sure they have proper layers and come prepared ready to work.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024


Tomorrow freshman and jv will have an at home workout, throwers will be off and varsity/OB group will have study hall followed by practice (the location will be posted during the day). On Thursday, freshman/jv and throwers will have study hall with practice after and the OB group will leave from Midland ave at 1:20pm.


Today the ocean breeze group will leave from midland ave at 2:45pm; everyone else will report to woodman after school.

Monday, December 9, 2024


 Today we will meet in the main building auditorium for practice; athletes should come changed and be ready to go at 3:05pm.

Thursday, December 5, 2024


REMINDER: Freshman & JV have the day off and there is no practice on Saturday; see workouts below for the days ahead in preparation for phase 2 on Monday. Varsity will meet at woodman after school

For those of you volunteering on Sunday; in the event that you didn't receive an e-mail, please have report at 6:45am on the corner of Label Street and Forest Street


Circuit 1: Perform 5 reps of each movement with no rest between exercises. Complete six exercises to finish one round. Do 4 rounds total, with one minute rest between rounds.

1. Squat

2. Push up

3. Leg raises

4. Push up

5. Squat

6. Leg raises

Circuit 2: Perform each move for 60 seconds, resting 15 seconds between each one. Complete all five exercises to finish one round. Do 3 to 5 rounds total. 

1. Squats

2. Crunches

3. Front plank

4. Side plank

Cool down: repeat warm up followed by stretching, hold each stretch for 30 seconds.



Distance: Easy long run 3-6 miles (distance is your choice)

Everyone else: Off

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Volunteer Hours & XC Booster Event


This weekend the team will be volunteering at the Montclair Doughnut Run, there are a number of ways one can help out and there are many time slots still available. Please click here to sign up and as we get closer we will discuss where we will meet the day of.


To honor the accomplishments of the cross country season and celebrate the winter track season to come, we will be having a Team Game Night on Friday, December 13, from 6-8:30 in the Annex Atrium/Freshman Building Cafeteria. 

We will have dinner, snacks, games, and a trivia contest with prizes to celebrate all of the hard work! 

When: Friday, December 13th 6-8:30
Where: Annex Atrium/Freshman Building Cafeteria 
Who: Cross Country and Winter Track Athletes

This event is for athletes only. Please let us know if you are able to attend by RSVPing by Friday, Dec 6th here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/V3YFPQB

Montclair Cross Country & Track Booster Club

PS-We will be having a family celebration in the spring after completion of the track season. This event is for athletes only