Monday, December 29, 2014

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Holiday Relay Carnival

The event list has been posted for the meet on Monday December 29, 2014. We will meet on Midland Avenue at 7am. The meet begins at 9am. If your name is not on the list for competition you will have tomorrow off and we will see you at practice on Tuesday morning at 10am.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Track News

The event list for the SEC (league) championship's at the Jersey City Armory has been posted on the blog. The bus will be leaving from Midland Avenue at 7 AM tomorrow morning. The meet will begin at 9AM

If anyone would like to volunteer and donate items or time for the concession stand at our league championships tomorrow please click on the link below.

For all individuals not competing tomorrow there is no practice for you tomorrow. On your own you have a 20 minute run dynamics drills and the rest of the warm-up. The event list for the invitational on Monday will be posted over the weekend. 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Friday Practice

Practice will be held at 9am at Woodman Field. Come with layers and be prepared to be outside. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays to all!! We hope you all enjoy your time with family and friends. 

Monday, December 22, 2014

First Meet of the Season

The event list and order of events has been posted for our first meet which will be held on Tuesday December 23, 2014 at 4:30pm. We will be traveling to FDU in Teaneck, NJ.

For all individuals who will be competing tomorrow, meet on Midland Avenue at 2:45pm. For those who did not receive warm ups please come dressed in sweatshirt and sweat pants. Please make sure you all have layers, not just your uniform under your sweats.

If your name is on the list to compete and you are not able to make it please let Coach Wallace or Washington know as soon as possible.

For those who will not be competing tomorrow practice will begin at 1:30pm sharp at Woodman Field. See you all tomorrow!!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Saturday Practice

Practice has been moved to 9am Saturday morning. See you all soon. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Schedule Updates and Changes

There have been some changes to the schedule during the winter break.

We will not compete at the Spike Shoe Invitational on December 22, 2014.

We will be competing in the Season Opener at FDU in Teaneck, NJ on Tuesday December 23, 2014. The bus will leave at 2:45pm from Midland Ave. The meet begins at 4:30pm.

Wednesday December 24, 2014 and Thursday December 25, 2014 there is NO PRACTICE.

Friday December 26, 2014 there is practice.

The remainder of the schedule for the winter break stays the same.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Stretching Options

Do these stretches to increase elasticity and reduce stiffness. Hold each one for 30 seconds (to the point of slight tension); release momentarily; then stretch again. Do a total of 6 reps.

Hamstring Stretch: Extend your right leg so your right heel is on the ground in front of you. Bend your left knee and slowly lower your hips down and back, as if you were sitting into an imaginary chair. Keep your upper body tall. Repeat on opposite side.

Calf Stretch: Stand with both feet on a curb or step. Move the heel of your right foot backward so it's hanging off the curb. Lower your right heel down so you can feel a deep stretch in your calf muscle. Bend both knees to deepen the stretch.

Glute and Piriformis Stretch: Cross your right ankle just above your left knee and lower down into a squatting position. Hold onto a friend or a tree for balance if necessary. If comfortable, gently push down on your right knee. Repeat on opposite leg.

Chest Stretch: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lace your fingers together behind your head above your neck. Squeeze your shoulder blades together while trying to extend your elbows out to the sides and slightly back to open your chest.

Quad Stretch: While standing on your left leg, bring your right heel back, and grab your right foot or ankle with your left hand. Gently pull your foot toward your tailbone. Keep your knees aligned, and don't arch your back. Repeat on your other leg.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Saturday Practice

Practice will be held at 10am tomorrow. Make sure you layer up!

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Same place  same time for practice tomorrow Meet at 2pm and ready to begin warming up by 2:20pm. Plan for practice to be over by 4pm.

And updated clearance list has been posted.

All athletes please complete the Athlete Information sheet and the Code of Conduct by TOMORROW.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Team Gear/Spike Night

If you would like to purchase team gear, the order form has been posted under additional information. Please return the order form to one of the coaches as soon as possible. We will have a solid due date soon. 

Also on Tuesday December 16, 2014 from 6pm-8pm Fleet Feet will host Montclair High School Winter Track and Field Spike Night. This will be an evening where you can pick up both a new pair of trainers and competition spikes for the winter track and field season at a discounted rate if you haven't already done so. There will also be some giveaways as well. If you will not be able to attend the event on Tuesday, the Fleet Feet team has been gracious enough to extend the 15% discount until Wednesday. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


We will meet on the 2nd floor in the main building at 3pm for practice. Pack your layers! See you then. 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Saturday Practice

Saturday practice has been cancelled. We will see all athletes on Monday. The information meeting at 9am tomorrow is still scheduled

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Winter Track and Field Updates

An updated clearance list has been posted. Please be mindful that the roster closes on Friday December 5, 2014.

If you have not completed your athlete information sheet and code of conduct please print them out and return them to the coaching staff tomorrow.

Saturday December 6, 2014 there will be an information meeting for parents/guardians held in the multipurpose room located at Woodman Field at 9am.

If there are any other questions please email Coach Wallace( or Coach Washington (

Monday, December 1, 2014

Impact Test

Impact test tomorrow Tuesday Decenber 2, 2014 at 3:15pm in the MAC lab. Print out and sign the permission slip located on the blog

Saturday, November 29, 2014


The first day of practice is Monday December 1, 2014. We will meet at Woodman Field at 3pm. There will be a locker room for both the boys and girls team, make sure you have your own combination lock to secure you personal belongings. 

The updated list has now been posted. If your name is on the list you are cleared for the first day of practice, if your name is not on the list email Coach Wallace or Coach Washington to follow up on what you are missing.

Come prepared with layers, gloves, hat and scarves. 

See you on Monday!! 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

New Clearance list

A new list has been posted. Please check to confirm you have been cleared for the first day of practice.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Winter Track and Field Announcements

We are exactly one week away from the start of our winter track and field season. If you have submitted your paperwork and still do not see your name on the clearance list it is imperative you reach out to Coach Wallace ( or Coach Washington ( to see what you are missing. Please understand that you need to be proactive in making sure things have been squared away for the season.

Please come prepared with the appropriate amount of clothing. Practice will be outside so have your layers, hat, gloves, and scarves handy. If you so not have an appropriate pair of trainers (basic running sneaker) make sure you purchase a pair. Fleet Feet on the corner of Midland Ave and Bloomfield Ave will be happy to assist you and as a member of the track and field team you will receive a discount.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Final Impact Test!! Winter Track

There will be one more impact test administered on Wednesday November 12, 2014 in the MAC Lab at 3:15pm by the cafeteria in the main building. Please make sure you the the IMPACT Test permission slip signed when you report for your the test. The permission can be found on the right side of the blog under "additional forms."

Or click on the link below..

IMPACT Test Permission Slip Form

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Winter Track and Field Clearance

The first list of clearances has been posted on the right side of this blog. If you have handed in your paperwork and your name is not on this list please email Coach Wallace (girls) or Coach Washington (boys).

Hand your paperwork in ASAP if you intend to participate on the first day of practice. December 1, 2014 3pm at Woodman Field.

There will be weekly updates to the clearance list.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


It is important that you hand in your forms ASAP!!! The turn around time is up to 1 week. So PLEASE don't hesitate on handing in your forms to the athletic office after school.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


For all individuals who still need to take the impact test there is a makeup test on Wednesday November 5, 2014 at 3pm in the MAC LAB located in the main building across the hall from the chorus room.

Please have all forms in ASAP!! Forms are only accepted after school.

The clearance list will be posted beginning November 5, 2014 and a new list will be posted weekly. If you have handed in your information and not sure as to why you haven't been cleared please email (girls) or (boys). Please do not ask the athletic office what you are missing.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Winter Track and Field Updates

Thursday October 30, 2014 will be the final day the school doctor will be at the school from 4-6:30pm. Please come with you athletic packet completely filled out and a parent/guardian.

Please hand your forms in ASAP.

First Practice: December 1
Practice will be held: Woodman Field
Days and Times for practice: Monday-Friday 3-5pm Saturday 9-11am
Meet Schedule: TBD

Sunday, October 19, 2014


FRESHMAN AND JUNIORS (and any Sophomores and Seniors who have never taken an IMPACT TEST)
The IMPACT test will be administered on the following days: 
October 27, 2014 - Boys Track and Field Team
October 28, 2014 - Girls Track and Field Team
Meet in the MAC Lab in the Main Building next to the Main Cafeteria

Here is the breakdown of what you need to be cleared, please read carefully:

• If you participated in a fall sport your physical was dated after December 1, 2013, it is still valid, and the only form you need to submit is the Health History Questionnaire.

• For all 9th grade students, the History Form, Supplemental Needs (even if it is not applicable), Physical Examination and Clearance Form must to be submitted, from your last valid physical.

• If the 9th grade student’s physical is dated more than 90 days from the first day of practice you must submit the Health History Questionnaire.

• All 10th, 11th and 12th grade students who submitted a valid physical from last year, the only forms you must submit is the Health History Questionnaire, Code of Conduct and Steroid Use Forms.

• Forms for Winter Track from October 23rd to November 10th.

This is the link to the forms

If you do not have a personal doctor or cannot get an appointment in time, the school Doctor will be in the Main Building on October 23 and 30, 2014 from 4pm-6:30pm. Please being the entire packet and have your parent/guardian with you at the time of your physical. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


There will be an interest meeting for the winter season on Wednesday October 15, 2014 at 2:40pm in the LGI. 

Please spread the word!!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Meet of Champions!!

Mounties at Meet of Champions;

Automatic Bids: Donovan McDonald (400m & 200m), Alanna Robinson (Shot Put) and Andre Blevins, Elijah Robinson, Isaiah Waters and Donovan McDonald (4x400)

Wild Card: Stephanie Hayes (Mile), Ciara Stewart (Discus) and Eliana Tyler, Amelia Lufrano, Eliza Gentry and Stephanie Hayes (4x800)

Come out to Jost Field in South Plainfield, NJ on Wednesday at 2:30 and show your support

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Spring Track and Field Banquet 2014!!!

The banquet for the Spring Track as Field season will be held on Saturday June 7, 2014 at 2pm in the main cafeteria of the main building. This banquet is a potluck format. We have provided a link to RSVP and sign up for food below.

All levels are expected to attend, parents you are welcomed as well.

To RSVP for the banquet please click the link below:

To sign up for food assignments please click the link below:

The deadline to RSVP and sign up for food assignment is JUNE %52014.

If there are any questions please see A member of the coaching staff. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

County Meet Results

For some reason, the Essex County track web site isn't providing a link to Saturday's results. But, you can find results by following this link. Just to be a bit more confusing, the page says it contains results from 2013, but that's wrong, as you will see in a moment by scrolling down the page.

States, Uniforms, and BANQUET information!!!

Order of Events for the State Sectionals meet has been posted. For all individuals competing on Friday you will be excused from school after 5th period. We will depart from Woodman Field at approximately 1pm.

For all individuals who have not returned their uniforms, the next opportunity will be on Tuesday May 27, 2014.

The spring track and field banquet will be held on Saturday June 7th, 2014 from 2pm-5pm in the cafeteria in the main building. 

Food assignments will be forth coming. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Meeting and Uniforms

The meeting has been postponed to tomorrow Tuesday May 20, 2014 after school  3pm at Woodman Field. If you did not return your uniform today, please return if tomorrow to Adia or Coach M in the field house. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Middle School Track and Field Day

Firstly, congrats to the girls team for finishing second and boys 6th in the Essex County Individual Championships.

A HUGE thank you to every parent and student athlete who volunteered yesterday, hurdle crew, you all were amazing. Parents the officials couldn't stop singing your praises and appreciated everything that you provided for them on yesterday. 

In reference to Middle School Track and Field Day, if will be held tomorrow May 19, 2014. The list of individuals 9-12, excluding individuals on senior option, if your name is on the list "Event List/Order of Events" you will be excused from classes tomorrow. We ask that you report to Woodman Field at 8 am you are expected to be at this event from the beginning to the end. 

Coach Wallace will be assigning responsibilities at 8:10 am sharp. It is very important that you arrive on time to receive your assignment for the day. 

Does anyone have Delquercio 3rd and Shakespear 5th and Esposito 8th? Please email Coach Wallace ( immediately. I have this one permission slip with absolutely no name on it, but the teachers mentioned before signed your permission slip.

There is also a MANDATORY TEAM meeting tomorrow at 3pm. Please come prepared to hand in your uniforms and receive further instructions from the coaching staff. Uniforms will NOT be accepted before 3pm. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Essex County Championships Update

Friday's opening day of the Essex County Track and Field Championships has been postponed. 

All events will begin at 9am on Saturday May 17, 2014.

Everyone competing should be at the track at 7:30am. Everyone volunteering should report at 8am.

**event list updated**

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Essex County Championships

Event list and order of events have been posted. If you are competing tomorrow you will be excused from your class after 7th period. Please be mindful that if the meet is postponed until Saturday you will not be excused from your 8th period.

All athletes not competing are expected to report to Woodman after school to volunteer.

Please check the blog tomorrow for updates on the meet.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Future Stars Invitational Event List

The event list for the Future Stars Invitational has been posted. Meet at Woodman Field after school. If your name is not on the list you are to report for practice. The meet begins at 4pm at West Orange High School.

All individuals are expected to be in attendance on Friday and Saturday for the Essex County Championships.

**event list updated**

Monday, May 12, 2014

Updates for this Week

All individuals on the event list for the meet tomorrow at Nutley has been posted. Please meet at Woodman Field at 2:45pm. For those whose names are not on the list meet at practice after school.

***event list has been updated***

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Friday, May 9, 2014

SEC Championships

The event list for SEC Championships has been posted. For those individuals who are not competing you have the day off. Competitors, meet at Woodman Field at 7:15am.

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Good Morning All!!
First thank you to all the volunteers who assisted at out Frosh/Novice Relays. All your hard work from the parents to the athletes is greatly appreciated.

Just a few adjustments to the schedule. Saturday May 10, 2014 at 9am we will be competing in the Super Essex County League Championships at Millburn High School .  All who are not running on this day will have no practice.

On Tuesday May 13, 2014 at we will have out final tri meet against Nutley and East Side at Demuro Park in Nutley, NJ. Address is: 5 Margaret Ave.

On Thursday May 15, 2014 at 4pm the Future Stars Invitational meet for all Frosh/Shop/Novice athletes will take place at West Orange High School. (It is no longer on May 12)

Friday May 16 (3pm) and Saturday May 17(10am), ALL athletes who are not competing in Essex County Individual Championships are expected to be in attendance. We host this championship meet so it is imperative that everyone is in attendance for this event.

If there are any questions or concerns please send Coach Washington or Coach Wallace an email. Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Just a couple of reminders, if you are competing on Friday you are excused from 7th and 8th period class. Please make sure you report immediately to Woodman Field to change to get on the bus. It is important that every member of you relay is wearing the same uniform, no exceptions. 

If you are not listed to compete on Friday there is no practice and you will compete on Saturday. The entire team is expected to report to Woodman at 8am sharp. The event list for Saturday will be posted tomorrow. 

Mandatory Assembly

There is a mandatory assembly afterschool in the auditorium. Attendance will be taken. Please make sure you sit as a team in the same area again today. 

Practice will be immediately after the workshop. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday Dual Meet Postponed

The meet today has been postponed. Everyone should report to practice. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Just a Few Reminders

The event list for the dual meet has been posted. Immediately after school please meet at Woodman Field changed and ready to get on the bus. Please come prepared with layers as it will be a little chilly tomorrow.

For those individuals who have volunteered with the Rec program there is a home meet tomorrow at around 6pm, so if you would like to stay and help out after your return from our away dual meet you are more than welcome to. If you are not able to stay that is fine as well.

Wednesday Coach Wallace will be handing out Middle School Track and Field Day Permission Slip forms. The first 50 student athletes who return their forms completed and signed will be excused from classes on that day. Any seniors who are doing senior option will have to email me of their intention to volunteer on that day (May 19, 2014)

Friday is Essex County Relay Championships. Those who do not compete on this day will have off, BUT you will compete on Saturday at the Montclair Frosh/Novice Relays. IF you compete on Friday you are expected to be in attendance to help out on Saturday.

Dual Meet Schedule Change

The meet that was scheduled for Wednesday April 30, 2014 has been moved to tomorrow Tuesday April 29, 2014 at 4pm located at DeMuro Park in Nutley NJ. Address is 5 Margaret Ave Nutley NJ, 07110

Friday, April 25, 2014

Paul H. Beck relays 4.26.14

The event list has been posted. If your name is on the list you will be competing; you are to meet at Woodman Field at 7:15am. Please have on layers and bring some snacks for the day.

For those who's name is not on the list, you have the day off and make sure you go for a 15-20 min run dynamics, strides and drills.

See you all soon.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Freshman/Novice Relays Sign Up

Attention all parents/guardians of Freshman and Novice athletes. On Saturday May 3, 2014 we Montclair host an invitational freshman/novice relay meet.

If any parent  or guardian would like to assist in any capacity on this day please click on the link below and sign up.

Thank you in advance for your assistance. Have a wonderful day.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Comet Relays Results

You can find results from Saturday's Comet Relays in Hackensack here. (The page has links at the top that download pdfs with the results.)
The Montclair boys finished 10th out of 15 teams with 51 points. The girls were 12th out of 18 with 30 points. Congratulations to the athletes!

Spring Break Practice

Practice will begin at 10 am this week.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Comet Relays

The event list for Comet Relays has been posted. The bus will be leaving at 7:15am from WOODMAN FIELD.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

vs. Barringer

The event list and order of events has been posted. If you do not see your name on this list still report to the track after school dressed and prepared to run. Remember if you would like to order team gear please click on the link under the "caregivers corner" and follow those directions. If you haven't already please email Coach Wallace and Coach Washington if you will not be here during spring break, specifically April 19th and April 26th. Stay dry, stretch and rest up. Congrats to all being inducted into Honors Societies tomorrow as well

Tuesday Practice

Practice will end at 4:15pm today 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Cougar Classic Results

Saturday's Cougar Classic results are in. Girls finished second of 16 teams; boys finished fourth out of 12 teams.
Results and times are up here. (If you don't see results immediately, refresh your browser.)
Congratulations to all the athletes!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Saturday Meet/Practice

The event list for the Cougar Classic has been posted.  Bus leaves at 7:15am from Woodman Field.

For those individuals not running, there will be practice at 1pm at Woodman Field.

Changes have been made to the event list please take a look to check for your name.

Spring Track and Field Announcements

Saturday April 12, 2014 we will be competing in the Cougar Classic. We will have a team meeting today to discuss who will be competing tomorrow. For those not competing you will still have practice. We will let you know the time ASAP.

Later on this evening, at approximately 6pm the event list along with the order of events will be posted as well. The highlighted events will be the ones Montclair will compete in. We will be leaving from Woodman Field at 7:15am. All events begin at 9am.

Spring Track and Field Gear Order Forms Are In!!! The forms are located under the "Caregivers Corner" section of the blog.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Spring Track and Field Updates

The results from our dual meet have been posted. For your records, keep a log of your times. (Date, Event, Time/Distance) this way you can track your improvement throughout the season.

From now on please bring your spikes to practice(distance and sprinters) and throwing shoes (throwers).

Yes the weather is getting warmer but please remember NO ELBOWS, NO KNEES.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Saturday Practice

These are the times for practice by event group:
Distance 8:30am
Sprinters 9am
Throwers 10am

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Dual Meet Wrap Up and Reminders

First thank you for everyone who volunteered and helped today. Your assistance was greatly appreciated. To all the family and friends who came out to support, thank you for the kind works and well wishes.

Just an update on the results of the track meet, they will be posted tomorrow, unfortunately there was a snafoo on some time and the officials clock was cleared before some times were recorded. Moving forward we will make sure to have a backup plan.

The final score of the meet for the girls was 111-15 (Montclair) and 72-59 (Bloomfield). Good job to both teams. This is in no way a pass to ease up and work less. It is now time to work even harder, our season has just begun and we have so much to accomplish. Keep focused, rest up, eat well, hydrate and stay committed.

Tomorrow at 1:30 pm meet in the auditorium for a workshop. Please make sure you check in with the managers and sit together in the front as a team. Immediately following the meeting meet down at Woodman Field for practice.

See you all tomorrow!!

Dual Meet VS. Bloomfield

The event list and order of events has been posted on the right hand side under 'event list and order of events'. We will be competing against Bloomfield today. All individuals who's name is not on the event list please come and see Coach Brietzke immediately after school. You will assist during the meet. Also if you did not pick up our uniform on yesterday please come see Coach Wallace as well. See you all soon. 

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Spring Track Updates

Just a few reminders, uniform checks of $175 are due tomorrow, they can be made out to Montclair High School

Tomorrow night is SPIKE NIGHT at Fleet Fleet located on the corner of Midland Ave and Bloomfield Ave from 6-8. We will discuss at practice the appropiate competition shoes at practice. 

If a new pair will squeeze your budget tighter than the old shoes are squeezing your athlete's toes, the track and field booster club has set aside some funds to help.
  • Contact Coach Wallace about what you need. (Sneakers or spikes) Coach will take it from there. 
Remember consistency and communication is key

Team Workout

20 minute jog
Hydrant series 8 each leg
20-20-10 x 4
Squats 4x10
Push-ups 4x10
100 abs
Stretch for 15 min

Friday, March 28, 2014

Saturday Practixe

Practice has been cancelled for tomorrow. See you all Monday. Please keep an eye out, Sunday we will be giving  each event group a workout that must be completed. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday Practice

Practice has been cancelled for today. Go home and rest up.  For anyone who is sick, stay hydrated and feel better soon.

Flyer for Mr. Dinos

Print of this flyer for Mr. Dino's and Kinder Smile support

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Monday, March 24, 2014

For Caregivers: Discounts at Fleet Feet's Track Night

Greetings! I'm track parent Jim Lynch, and the coaches have graciously agreed to occasionally turn over the keys to their blogging kingdom to talk about topics on the minds of parents and other caregivers.
Topic One: Money, or specifically, how to save a buck or two while putting our athletes in the best gear we can.
You can get a 15% discount on all purchases from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, March 31 at Fleet Feet, at Midland and Bloomfield Avenue. It's part of Track Night, intended to promote the upcoming track season.
In addition, you'll get a gift with any footwear purchase. And if you're just browsing, there will still be some light refereshments to enjoy.
This sounds like a big product placement for the store, and I suppose it is. But Fleet Feet is pretty much Runner Central in Montclair, and the owners have been generous to our program over the years, often discreetly. This is a way to give back while saving money - so why not?

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Weekly updates

This week it will be on the chilly side. Please remember to wear layers, hats and gloves to practice. No elbows, no knees!!

See you all tomorrow. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Thursday/Friday Practice Schedule

We have half day sessions today and tomorrow. Practice will begin at 1:45 pm and will end at 3:30 pm.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Parent Meeting/Practice

Just a reminder, there will be a parent meeting tomorrow 9am in the multipurpose room down at Wiodman Field.

Practice will be held at 10am

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Upcoming Events

A new clearance list has been posted.

Please have rain gear and be prepared to come to practice tomorrow.

Thursday March 13, 2014 at 1:30 pm there is a mandatory meeting for all track and field athletes in the auditorium. Practice will be at regular time.

The athlete information sheet and code of conduct is due on Friday March 14, 2014.

Saturday March 15, 2014 in the multipurpose room there will be a parent information meeting at 9 am, practice will begin at 10 am.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Spring Track Updates

Under "Additional Information" please fill out and return the athlete information and code of conduct. It is important that all papers should be returned by Friday, if they are not returned it counts as two unexcused absences.

Another clearance list has been posted. If your name is not on the list and have already had a conversation with Coach Washington or Wallace come down to the track at 3pm tomorrow to follow up on your clearance status.

We will meet at Woodman at 3pm, practice will conclude at 5pm.

Saturday March 15, 2014 there will be a parent information meeting in the multipurpose room (located down by the track) at 9am.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Winter Track and Field

The banquet was wonderful!! Thank you to everyone who contributed to make it such a success. 

Links have been provided for the slideshow and Flickr account of all the photos from this season. Enjoy!!  

Friday, March 7, 2014

Saturday Practice

Good start to the spring season. Tomorrow practice will begin at 8am. We will meet at Woodman Field. See you then!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Spring Track Begins Tomorrow!!

The clearance list has been posted, if you name is not on this list you will not be cleared to participate until Monday or Tuesday next week. If there are any questions or concerns please send Coach Washington and Coach Wallace an email. DO NOT go to the athletic office or the nurse office to inquire about what is missing. We are trying our best to assist, but it is your responsibility to reach out to us to figure out what is going on.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Winter Track and Field banquet!!

Winter track and field athletes, please email Mrs. Gentry ( notifying her about your and your family's intention to attend the banquet. We are asking for this information so we can have a final head count. 

We are also in need of volunteers to bring refreshments and fruit salad. You can email Mrs. Gentry as well if you are able to donate these items. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014


There is an updated clearance list. Please follow up if your name is not on the list. The following individuals need to take the Impact test. The final Impact test will be administered on March 5, 2014 at 3:15 pm in the MAC lab. If you fail to report on this day you will not be cleared for spring track and field.

Jayne Kimball
Deondre James
Ezra Barracks
Allison Behnke
Julia Guerra
Scarlett Perrnie
Lucy Albright

There will be no preseason practice this week. We will meet on Friday March 7, 2014 the first official day of practice. Please remember to bring layers and your own combination lock for your lockers.

Winter Track and Field Banquet will be on Saturday March 8, 2014 at 1:30pm in the Freshman Atrium. All track and field participants and parents are encouraged to come.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Important Information!!

Hopefully everyone is checking the clearance list on a daily basis in regards to being cleared for spring track and field. If your name is not on the list please send Coach Wallace and Coach Washington an email. Do NOT stop at the athletic office to ask what you are missing.

There will be ONE more Impact test. It will be administered on March 5, 2014 at 3:15pm. The following people do not have an Impact test right now, please be sure to report on the given date to take the test.

Terrell Colvin-Raison
Deondre James
Daneil Jarrett
Oliver Katz
Lucy Albright
Ezra Barracks
Allison Benhke
Molly Farber
Julia Guerra
Elaysia Page
Scarlett Perrnie

If there are any discrepancies please send an email.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


The winter banquet is quickly approaching. An email has been sent to all parents whose names/email address were on the parent list in regards to the banquet and what food item you would volunteer to bring. If you (parent/guardian) have not received an email from Mrs. Shirley Gentry ( in regards to what is needed for the banquet please send her an email as soon as possible. Student athletes please ask your parents if they received an email from Mrs. Gentry, if they haven't politely ask them to send an email. :-) The deadline for notifying Mrs. Gentry is March 3, 2014.

The banquet will be held in the Freshman Atrium on Saturday march 8, 2014 at 1:30 pm. All parents and student athletes are invited to attend, this is a time to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of all our student athletes.

Spring Track and Field:
All paper work should be handed in as soon as possible. If you do not see your name on the clearance list please email Coach Wallace and Coach Washington to inquire about what portions of the packet you are missing. The first day of practice is March 7, 2014 immediately after school at Woodman Field. Please bring a change of clothes (LAYERS)  and a combination lock for the locker room. Continue to look on the blog, Facebook and Twitter for announcements daily.

Spring Track and Field Parent Meeting Announcement:
We will have a parent meeting for the spring season on Saturday March 15, 2014 in the multipurpose room (next to Woodman Field) at 9 am. We will be discussing all aspect of the spring track season, including a way for parents  to be involved in our illustrious booster club. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Spring Track Announcement

The first clearance list for the spring track and field season has been posted under "Spring Clearance" tab on the right. If will be updated daily. If your name is not on the list please send Coach Wallace ( or Coach Washington ( to inquire about what is missing. Remember if you are not cleared by March 7th, you will not be able to participate until you are cleared.

If you still need to take an impact test there are TWO final dates: February 25, and February 27, after school in the MAC Lab (located in the main building across the hall from the chorus room).

If you do not have a personal doctor, or not able to get to your doctor, the school doctor will be administering physicals on Wednesday February 26, from 5:30-8:30 in the  HEALTH OFFICE in the main building and Thursday February 27, from 2:33-4 pm in the HEALTH OFFICE in the main building. If you plan on receiving a physical from the school doctor print of the permission slip form click on the "athletic physical permission form." Make sure you bring all papers that night.

Remember you should invest in a good pair of running shoes, we suggest Asics, Brooks, New Balance. If you need more guidance please stop by Fleet Feet on Midland Ave inform them that you are part of the Montclair High School Track and Field team and you will receive a discount.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


The winter banquet date has been changed to Saturday March 8, 2014 at 1:30 pm. 

Stay posted for more details 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Friday Practice

If there is school tomorrow practice will be after school at the field house 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


If you have not returned their uniform you have one final opportunity tomorrow from 3-4. If you do not return them your checks will be deposited. 

Team gear can be picked up on Wednesday as well. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Team Gear/Uniform Return

All individuals who participated in winter track and field please report to Woodman Field on Monday February 10, 2015 from 3-4 to return uniforms. 

If you have placed an order for team gear you can pick that up tomorrow as well. 

OUR BANQUET WILL BE SATURDAY MARCH 1, 2014. Please keep check on the blog/Facebook/twitter for more information. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

State Sectionals

An updated event list and order of events has been posted. Montclair is Dection North 1 Group 4. We are a LARGE SCHOOL so we run where the order of events says 'Group L.'

The bus will be leaving at 6am from Midland Ave. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ed Church Invitational on 2/6/14 and Other Announcements

The order of events and event list for tomorrow's meet has been posted.  Please be advised, list is subject to change. We are meeting on Midland Ave immediately after school. 

All individuals who's name is not on the event list meet on the 2nd floor of the main building after school.

There is a Spring Track and Field meeting on Friday after school in the LGI. Immediately following that meeting there will be a MANDATORY Winter Track and Field meeting. ALL should be in attendance. This meeting will be about 5-10 minutes. 

Wednesday Workout

Warm up; 
10 sets of 10 California jumping jacks
Dynamics or Light stretching if there's no room for dynamics

4 sets of 1 min high knees, 1 min squats, 1 min pushups, 1 min lunges (each leg for one minute), 1 min rest.

25 bicycle crunches, 20 reverse crunches, 1 minute plank (30 sec elbows/30 sec hands), 50 jumping jacks. Rest and repeat 4 times.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Spring Track and Field Meeting

The spring track and field meeting has been rescheduled for Friday February 7, 2014 at 2:45pm. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Varsity Classic

The Varsity Classic has been rescheduled for tomorrow Tuesday February 4, 2014. 
All those not participating in the meet tomorrow will have the day off. 

Monday Workout

10 x 30  jumping jacks dynamics, drills, iron cross, scorpions, hydrant series 2 sets of 10
10x10 California Jumping jacks
5x20 jumping jacks
Sprinter crunches, toe touches, leg lifts, russian twists, planks, supermans 
3x45 seconds

Cool Down:
50 jumping jacks
20 min stretch

Varsity Classic

Due to school being closed and the meet being postponed there will be nothing going on today. Practice will be on the second floor of the main building tomorrow. Enjoy the day off and stay safe. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014


The event list has been posted for the meet tomorrow at the NYC Armory. For all individuals who will be competing will be excused from 8th period. Meet on Midland Ave immediately after 7th period class. For all individuals who are not competing you have off tomorrow.

For all individuals planning to compete in spring track and field there will be an information meeting on Tuesday February 4, 2014 after school in the LGI. Please make sure you pick up would athletic questionnaire and complete all parts for the spring season. The sooner you hand in your paperwork, the sooner you can be cleared and ready for the first day of practice.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Friday Practice

Practice will be held at Woodman Field. Bring layers 

Spring Meeting.

Attention all athletes, the spring track and field inyerest meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday February 4, 2014 afterschool 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Metropolitan Invitational

Event list for the Metropolitan Invitational at the NYC Armory on Wednesday January 29, 2014 has been posted on the blog.  Meet on Midland Ave immediately after school. The bus will be departing at 2:45pm sharp.The field meet has been cancelled for tomorrow.


Monday, January 27, 2014

Tuesday Practice

Practice will be on the 2nd floor. Distance meet at Woodman. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Monday Practice

Practice will meet on the 2nd floor in the main building. BRING LAYERS. Throwers meet at Woodman afterschool.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Essex County Championships

Bus will be leaving from Midland Ave at 7am. The meet at Jersey City Armory and will begin at 9am. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Friday Practice

Practice will be held on the 2nd floor of the main building.

Thursday Practice

Practice will be held in the main buildig on the second floor. Only distance will meet at woodman. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Hope everyone is enjoying their snow day. Below is your workout for the day. 

1 min high knees, 1 min jumping jacks, 1 min squats, 1 min pushups, 1 min lunges, 1 min rest. Repeat 5x 

250 abs and stretch for 15-20 minutes. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Wednesday Field Meet

We will not be attending the field meet on Wednesday January 22, 2014. 

There will be practice on the 2nd floor in the main building. Throwers meet at Woodman field afterschool tomorrow. 

Tuesday Workout

Do four sets of 25 california jumping jacks, then do the workout below;

Squats (15 sec)

Push-Ups (15 sec)

Burpees (15 sec)

Lunges (left leg) (15 sec)

Lunges (right leg) (15 sec)

Push-Ups (15 sec)

Side Plank w/leg lift (left) (15 sec)

Side Plank w/leg lift (Right) (15 sec)
Recover: 1 minute then repeat twice

Take a 3 minute break after doing the 3 sets above then do the following finisher

Burpees x 18 - Jumping Jacks x 10
Burpees x 16 - Jumping Jacks x 30
Burpees x 14 - Jumping Jacks x 50
Burpees x 12 - Jumping Jacks x 70
Burpees x 10 - Jumping Jacks x 90
Burpees x 8 - Jumping Jacks x 110
Burpees x 6 - Jumping Jacks x 130
Burpees x 4 - Jumping Jacks x 150
Burpees x 2 - Jumping Jacks x 170

If you don't have space to do burpees do lunges

Tuesday Practice

All afterschool activities have been cancelled. 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Saturday Practice

Practice has been cancelled for Saturday. There is practice on Monday. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Wednesday Updates

Tomorrow a portion of the team will be attending the FDU Field Meet. The event list is located on the right side under the event list tab. If you name is on the list you are to report to Midland Ave at 3:15pm, the meet will begin at 4:30pm. Due to assessments beginning this Friday we will leave at an appropriate time.

 If your name is not on this list you are to meet at Woodman Field for practice at 3pm.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday Practice

Practice will be held at Woodman Field for the entire team 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Saturday Practice

Distance and sprinters meet in the main building 2nd floor at 10am. 

Thrower meet be to Woodman at 8am. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Paul Schwartz Invtational

The event list has been posted for the meet tomorrow. We will meet after school on Midland Ave. We will be going to FDU. Directions can be found on the final page of the schedule.

The meets begins at 4:30pm.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Thursday Practice

Practice will be at Woodman field for the entire team. Bring layers. 

Distance crew meet at 1:30pm at Woodman. Throwers and sprinters be ready to go at 3pm. 

Wednesday Practice

Throwers meet at Woodman. Distance and sprint crew meet on the second floor of the main building. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Tuesday Practice/Field Meet

Distance crew meet at woodman field. All  sprinters meet on the 2nd floor of the main building. 

Shot put and high jumpers meet on midland ave at 4:45pm. You will be going to Garfield High School. The meet begins at 6pm.

For all individuals who handed in their team gear order forms, thank you. If anyone else would like to ordering thin please send Coach Wallace or coach Washington an email tonight. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Monday Practice

Practice will be held on 2nd floor. Bring layers just in case. Throwers meet at Woodman. 

Order forms for the gear is due tomorrow. 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Friday Workout/Announcement

Hope you are enjoying your snow day. A workout has been provided for the entire team to complete today.

300 jumping jacks dynamics, drills, iron cross, scorpions, hydrant series 2 sets of 10
Sprinter crunches, toe touches, leg lifts, v-twists, planks, supermans 
3x45 seconds

Cool Down:
50 jumping jacks
20 min stretch

If you plan on purchasing gear we have extended the deadline to Monday.

The event list will be posted for Essex County Relays at 3pm. If your name is on the list please be sure to be at Midland Ave at 7am tomorrow morning. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Thursday Practice

Practice will be inside today. Everyone(runners and throwers) are to meet on the second floor dressed and ready to go.